DeFi Suite

The Syntrum DeFi Suite offers users, including direct consumers, developers, and builders, access to various DeFi applications and tools that are crucial in the DeFi space. The aim is to provide a user-friendly experience by designing these DeFi dApps and tools to be easily accessible and reducing the learning curve for new users.

Here are some of the available dApps and tools, along with their functions:


Category: dApp || Function: Over-collateralized Borrowing, Lending

SynLend is a peer-to-peer and business-to-business algorithmic money market that provides access to interest-yielding lending through overcollateralized borrowing. It allows for the utilization of both fungible and non-fungible assets through a white-labeling mechanism.


Category: dApp || Function: Under-collateralized Borrowing, Cross Trading, Arbitrage

SynMargin is a decentralized algorithmic money market for undercollateralized borrowing. It offers cross-leverage trading and arbitrage opportunities across multiple decentralized exchanges (DEXs).


Category: dApp || Function: Asset Inter-network Transfer

SynBridge is a cost-effective and permissionless token/NFT asset bridge that enables users to effortlessly and seamlessly transfer assets across various blockchains.


Category: dTool || Function: Token Generation

SynTokenomics is a decentralized tool developed for token generation and tokenomics configuration. With SynTokenomics, users can easily deploy and auto-configure their tokenomics, set lockup and vesting schedules, and manage token distribution all in one place.


Category: dApp || Function: Staking, Staking-aaS

SynTokenomics is a decentralized tool developed for token generation and tokenomics configuration. With SynTokenomics, users can easily deploy and auto-configure their tokenomics, set lockup and vesting schedules, and manage token distribution all in one place.

Last updated